How to Use jugular vein in a Sentence
jugular vein
Missed his jugular vein on both sides of his neck by the grace of God.
—Christine Pelisek, Peoplemag, 27 June 2024
And yes, the entrance into the body is through the jugular vein to get there.
—IEEE Spectrum, 24 Jan. 2024
The machine then pumped the blood back into the jugular vein in Kelsey's neck.
—Mark Johnson,, 18 Mar. 2021
The front of the neck—on the sides of the throat—is where the carotid arteries and jugular veins lie, Neira explained.
—Julia Landwehr, Health, 26 Jan. 2024
The stent-like device is threaded through a small slit in the neck up through the jugular vein and pushed into the brain.
—WIRED, 1 Dec. 2022
She had been stabbed once in the neck, which severed her jugular vein and carotid artery, the Post reports.
—Kc Baker,, 25 Jan. 2018
He was hit on the head seven times, stabbed 27 times, and his jugular vein was severed.
—David R. Cameron, Hartford Courant, 23 June 2024
The second wound was on the front side of the neck, measured 4 cm long and penetrated the carotid artery and the jugular vein.
—Carol Robinson |, al, 3 Mar. 2020
Doctors found damage to Lee's jugular vein, the spokesperson said at the time.
—Hakyung Kate Lee, ABC News, 2 Jan. 2024
There were tubes and probes in his lungs, arteries and jugular vein.
—David Benoit, WSJ, 24 Dec. 2020
Miller testified that Gallagher stabbed the detainee twice in the right side of the neck in the vicinity of the jugular vein.
—San Diego Union-Tribune, 19 June 2019
Sandy Scheuer, who was just passing through the area on her way to class, was struck by a bullet that hit her jugular vein.
—, 20 Apr. 2021
Saunders said Mariah’s jugular vein and carotid artery had been cut in the attack.
—Teri Figueroa, San Diego Union-Tribune, 30 Nov. 2021
The freshened blood returns to the body via a tube inserted into the right jugular vein for travel to the heart.
—Ron Winslow, STAT, 6 Aug. 2020
Neely was shot between his right shoulder and neck, missing the jugular vein and spine by a fraction of an inch.
—Mick McCabe, Detroit Free Press, 25 Mar. 2018
Glover fired four times, striking Awad three times, including a shot that pierced his jugular vein.
—Clifford Ward,, 28 Mar. 2022
From the ground, doctors who saw the images noticed that there didn’t appear to be any blood flow in the astronaut’s left jugular vein.
—Matt Simon, Wired, 13 Feb. 2020
For instance, the Q collar was developed around 2016 to mimic how the woodpecker's long tongue can wrap around the head and pinch the jugular vein.
—Jennifer Ouellette, Ars Technica, 15 July 2022
In 2010, a rooster killed its owner by slashing his jugular vein in West Bengal state.
—Fox News, 2 Mar. 2021
She was stabbed in a jugular vein, the newspaper reported.
—Fox News, 17 May 2018
By measuring the pulsation of the carotid artery and the jugular vein, the system calculates the wearer’s heart rate and blood pressure.
—IEEE Spectrum, 26 May 2023
Instead, it’s implanted through a slit at the base of the neck and threaded up through the jugular vein into the motor cortex—the part of the brain that directs movement.
—Emily Mullin, WIRED, 23 Dec. 2023
They are most commonly put into one of the jugular veins in the neck or the subclavian vein under the collarbone.
—Dr. Keith Roach, oregonlive, 23 June 2023
At 2 years old, Leo Krim was too young to defend himself when his nanny dragged a knife across his neck, slicing a jugular vein and striking his spinal cord.
—Jan Ransom, New York Times, 12 Mar. 2018
Sebastian Junger The doctor was busy trying to put a large-gauge needle into my jugular vein through my neck.
—Sean Illing, Vox, 25 May 2024
To avoid injury while using a massager, Giordano says to stick to the muscles in the back of your neck (especially avoid massaging right on the jugular vein on the side of the neck).
—Milan Polk and Dale Arden Chong, Men's Health, 8 June 2022
From there, someone with this infection might develop a blood clot in their jugular vein.
—Korin Miller, SELF, 6 Nov. 2018
Reisman also noted the concerning case of a blood clot of a NASA astronaut in 2018 when the blood in their jugular vein appeared to reverse its flow.
—Jonathan M. Gitlin, Ars Technica, 17 July 2023
Johnson had surgery to remove a new tumor from her neck in January, but doctors couldn’t get it all — it was wrapped around her jugular vein and a bundle of nerves.
—NBC News, 3 Mar. 2021
The killers trapped him in a narrow hallway, pounded on his head with something heavy, stabbed him 27 times, severing, among other things, his jugular vein.
—Edmund H. Mahony,, 23 July 2019
Some of these examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'jugular vein.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.
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